Sunday, November 9, 2008

V-ball is over

Volleyball is now over. leaving me with a swollen hand and a messed up knee...
We lost this year, breaking the 6-year-in-a-row-championship-chain :( everyone was kind of sad, but that just makes us play with a better mentality next year. We were so stressed out this year...
But I will miss the twice a week practices... Now what am I going to look forward to each day?... :( I won't be going back to Aikido anytime soon, because of my thumb and knee.
that leaves me with having to study hard for B-school. go go ~~

P.S. after the vball olympics, that night, i first experienced the state of drunkeness.


Jun said...

drunk! drunk! drunk! drunk!

eunice said...

first time?? really?? =P
i miss u van. we need to meet up~


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